Monday 25 October 2010

Stretching Laws

The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press
If it's in the constitution you'd think that would be that but no. A newspaper in New Hampshire refused to publish a wedding announcement for a gay marriage (which is legal in that state).

Paul Hodes, a Democratic Senate candidate for the state, told Mr McQuaid that the newspaper should "respect the law of New Hampshire" and change its policy. 
Perhaps Mr Hodes should abide by the law and not try to make laws limit the freedom of the press.

1 comment:

  1. Is Paul Hodes attempting to make laws to limit the freedom of the press?

    "But Paul Hodes, a Democratic Senate candidate for the state, told Mr McQuaid that the newspaper should 'respect the law of New Hampshire' and change its policy."

    "A spokesman for Mr Hodes's Republican opponent, Kelly Ayotte, said that government had no right to interfere with the freedom of the press."

    I don't see the issue. Everyone is following the correct patterns. The newspaper is entitled to choose what it prints and the politicians are allowed to comment adversely on the decisions newspapers (or anyone else) come to.
